Thursday, November 6, 2008

Put Your Feet First

The average person takes between 3,000 and 6,000 steps a day. Those engaged in regular exercise might more typically take 20,000 steps a day. The way you walk might be the reason you are experiencing a variety of symptoms.
You can suffer pain that is caused by adnormal functioning of the way your feet move. Lack of proper foot care, and ill-fitting shoes are responsible for many problems. It is important to understand your feet have direct impact on the rest of your body as they support you with each step. A small abnormality in foot function can have a large impact on joints higher up in the body, causing pain, inflammation and discomfort.
Custom orthotics are inserts for your shoes that correct the way you stand, walk or run. When you are running, the pressure on your feet can be three or four times your body weight. Even walking can produce more pressure than the sume of your body weight. Custom orthotics can ensure that you disperse these forces evenly.
Therefore, get your feet checked and see if you need orthotics it could be the cause of your pain. Most extended health care plans do cover the cost for orthotics, so why wait!

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