Monday, March 9, 2009


Low back pain is an extremely common complaint, affecting hundreds and thousands, including 25% of those in the younger age group, every year.

What causes Low Back Pain?

There are many different causes, and they can be difficult to pinpoint precisely. We do know, however, that they are frequently neuro-biomechanical in nature, such as:
1. slack abdominal muscles
2. compression or irritation of the nerve roots leaving the vertebral column
3. congenital vertebral malformations
4. poor posture
5. pregnancy
6. bone or joint disease
7. primary or secondary cancer
8. arthritis or osteoarthritis
9. systemic disease
10. stress
11. specific working conditions

The lower back area is particularly vulnerable, since it supports the entire weight of the upper body.
The lower back area is subject to great muscle tension whenever the torso is flexed, extended, or rotation. This tension affects the intervertebral discs, vertebral joints, ligaments, and nerves.

Low back pain can be prevented by regular treatments to your chiropractor, stretching and exercise.
So take care of that BACK!!

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